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If you are accused of credit card fraud, it is highly recommended that you seek legal advice from a solicitor experienced in this area of law, as soon as possible.


Credit card fraud cases can be highly intricate, and having a specialised credit card fraud solicitor on your side from the outset can significantly impact the outcome of your case.

A solicitor with the specialist knowledge, expertise, and experience in the law concerning credit card fraud may even be able to assist in getting your case dismissed before it progresses to court.

What is credit card fraud?
In essence, credit card fraud occurs when one individual obtains another person’s credit (or debit) card details with the intention of using this information to make purchases or withdraw funds.

In practice, there are numerous variations of credit card fraud. As technology advances, so do the different methods of credit card fraud.

According to Which?, credit card fraud constitutes 39% of identity fraud cases in the UK.

What are examples of credit card fraud?
Examples of credit card fraud include:

Skimming – this takes place when someone creates a copy or duplicate of another individual’s card, typically through a swipe machine. For instance, this could occur when a person hands their card to a waiter at a restaurant.
Lost or stolen credit card fraud – this occurs when a card is either stolen or lost by the victim and then used to pay for goods or withdraw money from the victim's account.
Fraudulent credit card applications – this transpires when an individual makes a credit card application in someone else’s name without their consent.

Credit card fraud involving card details – in such instances, credit card details, including the card number and holder's information, are stolen (often through online databases or phishing emails) and then sold for remote use. This is known as 'card-not-present' fraud.

If you are accused of any form of credit card fraud, it is imperative to seek legal advice from an experienced credit card fraud solicitor as soon as possible. Your solicitor can provide guidance and assistance throughout the process, from the initial police station interview to court proceedings, if necessary.

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